Step up your guacamole game by making loaded blueberry balsamic avocados instead. Simply swap tomatoes, onions, and lime juice for fresh blueberries, shredded parmesan cheese, and balsamic vinegar, mix together and viola! Thirty seconds later, you have a delicious dish just waiting to be devoured!
There are many, many things I love in life. With only four simple ingredients, this recipe is at the top of my list! What’s not to love about a super simple, no cook recipe that has some of my favorite food groups (avocados, blueberries, and cheese)? Not to mention, this is a fantastic post workout snack full of vitamins and nutrients to replenish your muscles and prepare your body for its next beating.
Blueberries should be a staple in any endurance athlete’s diet. Thanks to the absence of cholesterol from blueberries, not only can the lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory and are known to aid in muscle recovery and soreness. (AMEN!)
How to pick out and store blueberries
When scoping out which package of blueberries to add to your shopping cart, look for firm that are not soft or bruised with a deep blue or purplish color. Note: the waxy, whitish-grey coloring on the blueberry is referred to as the “bloom” and is considered a sign of freshness. The “bloom” is mother nature’s natural protection that helps to prevent the berry from spoiling. To prolong their life expectancy, only wash the blueberries you’re going to eat right before eat them. Do not wash them all at once and store them in the fridge if you want them to last! I also suggest conducting periodic inspections to remove any berries that have turned soft or moldy. You don’t want one bad apple… er, blueberry to spoil the bunch!
When fresh blueberries are out of season frozen blueberries are a great alternative! When selecting frozen blueberries, shake the bag around to make sure the berries are rattling around, similar to a bag of peas. If a bag of blueberries appear to be in a big, frozen clump, keep looking. This is a sign the berries have already thawed and re-frozen. As always, make sure to avoid options with added sugars are sweeteners. Check the ingredients listed on the package. All you should see is “blueberries”. Plain and simple! To unthaw frozen blueberries, simply rinse them under cold running water and let thaw for a few minutes at room temperature. .
Do not, I repeat DO NOT skimp on the Parmesan cheese! Its rich in calcium, provides an excellent protein source and is easily digested. Trust me, your bones will thank you.
I prefer to serve this dish with nutrient rich endives(hello vitamin A, K, folate and fiber!) They also provide a nice crunch, you know the kind you get from a big bag of chips. At first bite, endives may taste a tad bitter. I personally did not have this problem but know some who think they take a little getting used to. Rest assured, be sure to thoroughly wash them before eating and store in the refrigerator- this should help eliminate some of the bitterness. If you’re looking for other recipes to enjoy endives with, check out my Avocado Tuna Salad recipe.
I told you this recipe was SUPER simple to make, so here we go.
Step 1: Pick out a very large, soft, ready to eat avocado. Cut it in half lengthwise, otherwise known as “hot dog style”, remove the pit, and scoop the good stuff into a bowl with a large spoon and mash. If you’re looking for a way to impress your friends and up your food presentation game, be careful NOT to break the shell. I’ll tell you why in just a minute.
Step 2: Rinse, dry, and add your fresh (or frozen and dethawed) blueberries to the bowl. Next, sprinkle in your freshly grated parmesan cheese and gently stir to combine.
Step 3: Finally, in a slow, stead stream, carefully pour balsamic vinegar over the contents in the bowl. You should pour just enough so that the green color of the avocado becomes slightly darker, but not brown. I suggest starting slow and gradually adding more balsamic as needed.
Serve by placing contents into a bowl (quick but B O R I N G) or by packing contents tightly back into the avocado shell. Place on a plate and arrange endives as pictured above.
Use endives to scoop the avocado out of its shell and enjoy!

- • 1 large, ready to eat avocado
- • 3/4 cup fresh blueberries*
- • 1/4 cup fresh Parmesan cheese, grated
- • 2 - 3 TBS balsamic vinegar**
- • Half of avocado shell for serving
- • 2 - 3 Endives for serving
- • Cut avocado in half, lengthwise and remove pit. Using a large spoon, carefully scoop avocado meat into large bowl and reserve at least one half of avocado shell for serving (optional). Mash avocado to desired consistency.
- • Wash and towel dry fresh blueberries*. Place blueberries and Parmesan cheese to bowl with avocado and gently stir to combine. Be careful not to smash blueberries.
- • In a slow steady stream, carefully pour balsamic vinegar over contents one Tablespoon at a time. Gently stir to combine, adding more balsamic as needed or desired.
- • Scoop, and tightly pack contents into one half of avocado shell.
- • Wash, cut, and arrange endives on plate around stuffed avocado shell, serve and enjoy!
- * If using frozen blueberries, quick rinse under cold water and let sit at room temperature for 5 - 10 min to dethaw. Pat dry with paper towel to soak up any excess water before using.
- **Add balsamic vinegar in one TBS at a time, starting slow and gradually adding more balsamic as needed or desired.
I’d love to hear what your think!